Sleep apnea and snoring
Sleep Apnea and Hypo apnea Syndrome (SAHS) is a very common pathology (according to recent studies it affects more than 25% of the population) that happens when regular breathing is interrupted during sleep. It entails a series of risks for the health of the patients.

Apnea can affect anyone at any age, although men are more likely to develop the disorder. The risk is also higher for those:
^ Over 40 years.
^ With overweight.
^ With large tonsils, a long tongue or small jaws.
^ With a family history of sleep apnea.
^ With a nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum, allergies or a sinus problem.
If left untreated, apnea can lead to a series of health problems, including:
^ High blood pressure.
^ Leak.
^ Heart failure, irregular heartbeat and heart attack.
^ Diabetes.
^ Depression.
^ Deterioration of ADHD.

Thanks to APNiA® patients with mild and moderate apneas can be diagnosed and treated in dental clinics by means of personalized splints. It is also useful for those patients with severe apneas who reject or do not tolerate the treatment with the CPAP machines, provided by the sleep units, or to establish combined treatments.

Why treatment in a dental clinic?
Recently published studies show that there is a direct relationship between bruxism and SAHS so that dentists move to the first line of detection of sleep apnea and thanks to APNiA® also to the first line of diagnosis and treatment of mild cases -moderated from SAHS and from patients with chronic snoring.
Diagnostic and treatment system for sleep apnea and snoring.
APNIA® collects 5 different channels of information while the patient is asleep: respiratory flow, oximetry, heart rate, body position and snoring. The device is easy and convenient to place by the patient at home, adjusting a nasal cannula and a pulse oximeter on the index finger.
In Center Dental Vilanova we can offer you different ways of financing, with and without interest, which cover a time limit of “three months to five years” adapting to your needs.
- Financing up to 5 years.
Financing without interest up to 48 months. - EXPRESS financing with only DNI.
- Financing “à la carte”.
- Come and learn personally about these advantages in our center.
Come to Centre Dental Vilanova, the 1st free visit.
Telf: 93 811 5930