Dental implantology aims to replace lost teeth, whether it is a single tooth or a complete denture. At Centre Dental Vilanova we have expert surgeons who can carry out any treatment you need for the placement of your implants: sinus lift, crest expansion, bone graft … After implant surgery it is possible to put a provisional tooth of immediate load “Teeth in a day”.
Unitary implant
The unitary implant is the most conservative option to replace a lost piece. The implant replaces the dental root and on it a ceramic or zirconium metal crown is fixed.

In case of several dental absences, some implants can be placed and on them bridges with several crowns. case of absence of a complete maxilla there are different options according to your needs.

Removable denture that is fixed to anchors that are placed on the implants, allowing safe chewing and easy hygiene for the patient. You need from 2 to 6 implants depending on the case.

Hybrid prosthesis
It is a fixed prosthesis that is retained on 6 implants. Unlike the fixed prosthesis with metal-ceramic or zirconium bridges, the hybrid is made of metal-resin; achieving a more economical and lighter fixed solution.

Ceramic or zirconium metal bridges
With 8 implants it is possible to rehabilitate a complete arch through metal-ceramic or zirconium bridges, completely recovering the function with the material that provides the best aesthetics.

Plasma rich in growth factors
The plasma rich in growth factors stimulates bone cells, accelerating the healing process and regeneration, decreasing the risk of post-extraction bone resorption.

Clinical cases
Do you want to see the result of this treatment?

In Center Dental Vilanova we can offer you different ways of financing, with and without interest, which cover a time limit of “three months to five years” adapting to your needs.
- Financing up to 5 years.
Financing without interest up to 48 months. - EXPRESS financing with only DNI.
- Financing “à la carte”.
- Come and learn personally about these advantages in our center.
Come to Centre Dental Vilanova, the 1st free visit.
Telf: 93 811 5930