Following an adequate prevention program is essential to avoid dental problems in the future.
N Oral cleaning and instructions for proper oral hygiene.
N Application of fluoride varnish to prevent caries in more prone patients.
N Discharge splints is for patients with bruxism. Bruxism consists of clenching or grinding the teeth causing an overload on teeth, muscles, bone and joints. This causes from wear and tooth sensitivity to dental or prosthetic fractures, muscle pains, headaches or disorders of the temporomandibular joints. Discharge splints, if properly adjusted, have a preventive and therapeutic effect.
At Centre Dental Vilanova we can offer you different ways of financing, with and without interest, which cover a time limit of “three months to five years” adapting to your needs.
- Financing up to 5 years.
Financing without interest up to 48 months. - EXPRESS financing with only DNI.
- Financing “à la carte”.
- Come and ask about these advantages in our center.
Come to Centre Dental Vilanova, the 1st free visit.
Telf: 93 811 5930