Orthodontics is responsible for correcting dental malocclusions thus avoiding all the problems that arise from them: aesthetic and self-esteem, gingival inflammations, cavities, problems of the temporomandibular joint (ATM), muscle contractures, Etc. There are different types of orthodontics and they can be applied to children and adults.

Conventional Brackets

At Centre Dental Vilanova we can offer you different ways of Financing, with and without interest, covering a time limit “three months to five years” adapting to your needs.
- Financing up to 5 years.
Financing up to 48 months without interest. - EXPRESS financing with ID only.
- On-demand financing.
- Come and learn about these advantages at our center.
Come to Centre Dental Vilanova, the 1st free visit.
Telf: 93 811 5930